Dear friend, let me tell you the bitter truth.
There is no such thing as you cannot afford it. It is just that you don’t want it badly enough. Imagine a scenario.
You visited your doctor.
He does some tests…
And he says to you, “You have a critical tumor”
If you don’t do an operation within the next 48 hours, you will die.
Will you ask the doctor what the price of the operation is?
Heck no!!!!
You will be scared, but would want the operation to be done as soon as possible so that you can LIVE.
Even if the operation costs $50,000, $100,000, you will still arrange the money. Because your LIFE depends on it.
So, don’t LIVE under the illusion that you cannot afford it. Say that you don’t want it badly enough.
Because if you want something badly, you will make way for it.
Right now if you badly want to grow your business, get more leads, more sales, live a life of abundance, then MONEY is never a problem here. It is an investment.
PS - I know these are harsh words, but the most bitter pills give the most effective results